All About RagaMuffin Kittens and Cats for Sale
RagaMuffin kittens and cats have a number of distinctive characteristics that make them excellent pets. RagaMuffins are still regarded as a rare breed, although their popularity is increasing. This is a result of their time-tested charm. RagaMuffins are currently one of the “best breeds of cats to possess” due to their clinging personalities and eagerness to give and receive attention from their owners. Their endearing personality and the part they play in their human families are the main reasons for their rising popularity. Kittens from RagaMuffin are ideal for households with young children. Additionally, they are fantastic for families looking for a kind, devoted, and reliable friend.
The personality of the RagaMuffin Cat
RagaMuffin Cat’s personality
RagaMuffins are renowned for their incredibly friendly, cuddly, submissive, and laid-back personalities. When you hold them, they are frequently floppy and become limp. RagaMuffin cats adore spending time with their owners. Whether it’s on their lap, in their arms, or while they’re cuddling or napping. Both breeders and owners frequently refer to them as “puppy cats.” This is a result of their canine characteristics. Oftentimes, RagaMuffin kittens and cats will follow you about the house as you perform tasks.
Some of the most charming traits of the RagaMuffin breed are nicely described in this 2013 Cats 101 YouTube video. The video does, however, contain one fact that is incorrect. It’s untrue to say that all RagaMuffins are white at birth. Only RagaMuffins with pointed ears and all-white kittens are born. The kittens with color that only appears on their “points” are the pointed RagaMuffins. As cats get older, their tails, faces, ears, and feet become their “points.”

How to Bond with Your RagaMuffin Kittens The “Safe Room” and RagaMuffin Kittens Adjusting to Their New Home and Other Pets
Initial Introduction to help RagaMuffin Kittens with Adjusting to Their New Home
After your RagaMuffin kitten has become comfortable in their room (playing with you and not showing signs of nervousness), it is time for introductions. Gradually allow your new kittens time out of the room, but only with your supervision. Simply leave the door of the safe room open and allow the kitten to come out and explore. Never leave your new RagaMuffin along with other animals until you are certain that they have become friends. This could take several weeks if you have other animals.
If you do have another cat(s), allow the other cat to spend time in your kitten’s safe room while your RagaMuffin kittens spend time outside the safe room. Take some material (scent cloth) and rub it on your new RagaMuffin’s cheeks. Allow your other cats to have contact with this material. Also, provide a scented cloth with your other cats’ smell on it and allow your new RagaMuffin kittens to smell this scent cloth.